research experience

Some research experiences in my career are listed below.


Recent evidence for finding effective action for Fluid Dynamics

For five months, I have been attending in a research group with weekly sessions under the supervision of Prof. Navid Abbasi at IPM. At this time, the group's primary purpose was to utilize the new tools in Holography introduced by Douglas Stanford. And to work on RG flow of transport coefficients of fluids using effective field theory, then calculate it's corrections when higher-order terms added to the EFT.
I also had a specific task in the group: to study recent works of Susskind in the complexity and to review those papers for the others. This project has ceased since a position in Lanzhou University of China has been offered to the Prof.

Black hole physics

Tiny primordial Black Holes candidate for dark matter

From February 2018 to April 2018, I attended a group of undergraduate students under the supervision of Prof. H. Arfaei. The goal of the group was to study quantum mechanical aspects of black-holes to achieve advanced tools for a better understanding of the physical grounds of Hawking radiation. We were supposed to apply this knowledge to theories of primordial black-holes and to evaluate ideas that suggested that tiny primordial black holes were candidates of dark matter.
By participating in these meetings, I have learned many advanced topics on black-holes, such as Information Paradox, Extremal black-holes, Primordial black-holes, Hawking radiation.

projects and course projects

Some course projects I have done are listed below with brief explanations.

String Theory

At first, I started studying String Theory under the supervision of Prof. H. Arfaei in the spring of 2019, and I found it so attractive; therefore, in the Fall of 2019, I have a course on Advance String Theory. In addition to that, we are working on a question in strings' self-interaction. The problem is whether direct vertex of open-close exists, and if it does, we are supposed to compute its correction to the mass spectrum of strings.

Dynamical systems

In an Algebraic Geometry course at IPM, which I have audited before, I met Dr. M. Nasiri. Because of my interest in math, I wanted to have research experience on a mathematical subject; therefore, I asked Dr. Nasiri to supervise me. During the summer of 2019, I read the necessary materials of Dynamical Systems, I have attended two courses, “Topics on Dynamical Systems” and "Group Actions," at SUT and IPM respectively.

particle physics

In the spring semester of 2019, I wrote a term paper about CPT Symmetry, of which the primary references were the two papers, "CPT Violation Implies Violation of Lorentz Invariance" and "The Status of CPT". First I explained basic concepts and then demonstrated a derivation of the symmetry caused by Lorentz Invariance in the formalism of Quantum Field Theory then mentioned some evidence of Its possible violation.

General Relativity

During the GR course, I found myself so curious about modified gravity theories, so I decided to write my term paper in Nonlocal Gravity. To this end, I read a lot about this theory; specifically, I read the Paper, Nonlocal Gravity, by Prof. Bahram Mashhoon who is one of the pioneers of this area.

Fluid Dynamics

A brief discussion in turbulence in the class left me with many unsolved questions. While seeking answers, I realized that one of the most powerful results in turbulence is the Four-Fifth Law of Kolmogorov, therefore, based on "Legecy of Kolmogorov," I reviewed and rederived the Law in my term paper.

Programming in C++

As the project of this course, we were supposed to practice programming skills through graphical simulation of an android game, “One More Line”, in the graphic.h library of C++ with several phases.

analytical mechanics

My projects of the Analytical Mechanics I & II were two simulations. The first one was a graphical simulation of a billiard board game in Java Script, taking into account all types of collisions between walls and balls according to a repulsive force that depends on the overlapped volume of the objects. The second one was a graphical simulation of the clash between a water droplet and a water surface in the OpenGl by solving the wave equation using discretization methods.


In the first semester of the course, I simulated the movement of a sample of electrons in a 3D conducting sphere with a static electric field turned on suddenly. At each step of time, the simulation was in the OpenGl; it draws the field lines, and we see that the electric field vanishes in the conductor. For the next course, I wrote a term paper on the topic "why the sky is blue," in which I explained how the scattering features of electromagnetic waves cause the blue color of the sky.

General Physics IV

For this course, we have assignments to write a term paper; deal with the topic we should choose critical experiments in the 20th century, reading about that, write a summary and review it for others in the class. I had chosen the topic of the "Mossbauer effect" and window that has opened toward understanding the world behind of Superfine Structure. At first, I read primarily about it in "Elementary Modern Physics," then I go forward to its references for more details.