Sharif University of Technology Department of Physics
Department of Physics

Sharif University of Technology

Physics Email


Room 523
P.O.Box: 11155-9161
Phone: +98 21 6616 4520
Fax: +98 21 6602 2711
Personal Page


Research Interests

Nano Structures: Metallic Nanoparticles; Nanotube and Nanosensors, Diamond like Carbon, Semiconductor Devices; Solar Energy


Research Plan

A new technique of making nanoparticles is established and utilized to produce metallic nanoparticles embedded in or over carbon films. Various properties such as optical absorption, surface Plasmon resonance, electrical conductivity and biosensing of these materials are studied. This technique is also used to produce homemade nanotube with metallic nanoparticles over. We are also studying various diamond vacancies for quantum information applications. We also do some work for renewable energy such as high altitude wind turbine and new solar cells.


Selected Publications